The Holt Community Fire Protection District is a property tax-based local government agency that was created by the voters in 1997. We cover 60 square miles, half of which is in Clay County, half in Clinton County. We have a total population of nearly 7,400 residents. Our boundaries are roughly 228th st / V highway to the North, Watkins Road to the East, 176th to the South and Fightmaster to the West.
Our target hazards are Interstate 35 and MO 33 highways, as well as some light industrial and liquid propane distributors.

About the District
The Holt Volunteer Fire Department was founded by William “Bill” Beechner in 1947. It was a subscription-based and donation supported all-volunteer organization. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of its leaders and members it provided an ambulance service, a dive team, and a volunteer fire department to the citizens in and around Holt, Missouri for 50 years.
In 1997, in part to have a full-time ambulance crew available, the Holt community Fire Protection District was formed. This is a property tax-based organization that provides a full-time Advanced Life Support ambulance with a crew that is also cross-trained and certified as Firefighters. These firefighters are supplemented by trained and certified volunteer firefighters who live in and around the community and respond at a moment’s notice when summoned.
The employees and members are trained and equipped to deal with a wide variety of emergencies. This includes providing Advanced Life Support (Paramedics) to medical emergencies, a variety of rescues and entrapments, and any fire emergency. We also provide services such as a free community CPR class, smoke detector installation and Child Passenger Safety (car seat)technicians to name a few.