New Hope Bridge is getting closer to completion!! Thank you Jim Dier for the photo!
KS Trooper Tiffany and NKC FF Denny Leeper also teaching today !
Interested in being a Child Passenger Safety Technician? Call us! 816-320-3612 or log onto
Helping keep kids safe at North Kansas City Fire.
Congratulations HFD 25 YEARS STRONG

Free event sponsored by Holt Community Fire Department
Community Picnic SATURDAY JUNE 4, 2022
Meet us at the Holt City Park 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
We will have hot dogs, chips, water, cotton candy, popcorn, a watermelon eating contest for ages 10 and younger and games with prizes for the kids
New Hope bridge update. Applying the deck !
HFD Community Picnic
Donations appreciated for Upcoming Community Picnic

We are in the planning for a community picnic the first Saturday in June. Hot Dogs, Chips, and Water will be served. We will also have a watermelon eating contest for the kids, games and relays with prizes. We are asking for volunteers to help with the picnic, and donations, to help make it a success. Any questions or suggestions please email [email protected] Below is a list of donations/volunteers we could use. There is a link to an Amazon wish list also.