2 house fires in 2 days.

Thank you Lawson, Lathrop, Clinton County Sheriff and Tri-County ambulance for your assistance.

No one seriously hurt.

CONGRATULATIONS Holt Community Fire Protection District received an ISO rating of 4

Holt Fire is being changed from a five to a 4 ISO rating effective June 2023. Congratulations to Chief Robert Looper, the Holt Fire Board and our EMS team for all their hard work to achieve this goal. It is a great achievement, and they will continue to work toward getting a three rating in the next few years. Reach out to your insurance company, as some use the ISO rating to help in calculating your insurance premiums. A lower ISO rating can sometimes, save you around $75 to $100 a year on your insurance premiums. Please see the attached reports as how the rating is calculated.

February 16th, 7 pm Board Mtg Agenda

Attached is the Board Mtg Agenda for the February 16th Board Meeting.

In order to make a public comment in the meeting of the Holt Fire Protection District Board of Directors Meeting, this sheet must be filled out and the requested information given.  If the Information is not provided or legible you may not be recognized to comment.  The completed sheet must be given to the Board prior to the start of the meeting, and you may be recognized during the public comment part of the meeting.  You will have 3 minutes to give your comment.  Please understand if your comment refers to an item not on the agenda, a personnel or legal issue the Board will hear what you have to say by may not comment or discuss the item or issue.  Thank you for your understanding.

Comments made about a current, past, or future employee of the district must only occur in the closed session of the Board.  You should contact the district, in advance, should you wish to address the board in a closed session.

February Board Meeting DATE CHANGE

The monthly meeting of the Holt Fire Protection Board will not be held on the 2nd Tuesday of February. It has been moved to THURSDAY, February 16th at 7:00 pm at the Holt Fire Station. With the March meeting, we will go back to the regularly scheduled second Tuesday of each month.