Donations and volunteer opportunities in response to COVID-19

Holt Fire Protection District
Holt Fire Protection District

Best Ways to Help All of Us “Stay Home, Stay Healthy”


We are grateful for the continued outpouring of support from our Holt community to the first responder community. Your generosity in donating PPE, making appointments to donate blood and offers to feed firefighters has been heartfelt and greatly appreciated.

As we continue into this uncharted territory, we want to provide the following guidance that allows us to keep our firefighters prepared and ready to respond to those in our community who may experience life-threatening emergencies.

Donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

We are only able to accept unused supplies in unopened boxes or sealed packages. To make a donation of PPE, please email the station. [email protected]

Food Donations

Firefighters are deeply touched by the offers of meals and baked goods, with many of you wanting to drop them off at a fire station. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept any food donations at any of our stations.

Your generosity is incredibly valuable and can still have a great impact on our community. With many in our community having lost their jobs, your donations are needed there more than ever. To arrange a donation location, please email the station [email protected]

Volunteer Opportunities

Holt Fire is fortunate to have highly-trained personnel and has continued to meet its staffing needs during this unsettled time. This is not always the case for other organizations. If you have knowledge, skills, talents or abilities to contribute, please consider donating your time through one of these organizations:

Call Robert To Volunteer: (816) 320-3612

We appreciate your support and cooperation as we all work together to keep our community strong, safe and healthy.

Detached garage fire….

Thank you to Kearney and Lathrop fire departments and Clay County Sheriff Deputies for their hell at a garage fire.

Montlhy Board of Director’s Meeting to be held via Webex.

Holt Community Fire Protection District

The April Board of Director’s meeting will be held via Webex on 07-April-2020 at 7:00 pm.
If you wish to attend see the link below. We will post a recording of the meeting afterwards.

Posted: April 3, 2020
Notice is hereby given that the Holt Community Fire Protection District Board of Directors will have its regularly scheduled meeting at 19:00 hours on Tuesday, April 7, via teleconference.
The agenda of this meeting includes:
Open Meeting:
Meeting Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call

Consent Agenda
Approval of March Regular Meeting Minutes
Approval of March Paid and Unpaid Bills
Financial Report

Public Comments

Chief’s Operations Report

New Business
Resolution to adjust budget to include GEMT
Appoint attorney for District

Old Business
Levy discussion if needed

Agenda Items and Scheduling for Future Meetings


Motion to adjourn

A motion may be made to go into Executive Session pursuant to RSMO section 610.021 (1), (3), (9) and (12) to discuss Personnel, Real Estate or Legal Matters.

Representatives of the media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting:
Robert Looper, Fire Chief, 816-320-3612

Meeting number (access code): 624 800 937

Meeting password: P43kKTMJeN6

Tuesday, April 7, 2020
7:00 pm | (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada) | 1 hr

Join meeting

Join by phone
Tap to call in from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Global call-in numbers

Join from a video system or application
Dial [email protected]

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business
Dial [email protected]

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Car fire in Holt

Crews were dispatched to a car for on 33 highway in Holt.

The vehicle, a 1997 Toyota, was a total loss. No injuries were reported.

Thank you to Cpl. Porez at Clay Co Sheriff.